Coalition Steering Committee Meeting

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The meeting, facilitated by Defend defenders under the funding of The Fund for Global Human Rights, gathered representatives of coalition member organizations from June 20th to 21th 2017. The Work including presentations and workshop discussions converged toward two objectives: (i) strengthening the organizational structure of the coalition through tools that clarify and complement the Charter on Vision, Mission, Objectives, Criteria of application, governance structure, roles and responsibilities of its members, conflict resolution mechanisms and (ii) assessment and capacity building of members through skills that enable human rights defenders to play their role.

The themes developed are: the situation of human rights in Burundi, the achievements and challenges of the coalition’ secretariat, the experience of the National coalition of human rights defenders in Uganda, protection tools and the database, review of the organization’s action plan, digital security, resource mobilization, advocacy strategies. The outcome of the workshop was the adoption and signing of an additional protocol to complement the Coalition Charter, the adoption of advocacy tools, the adoption of the 2017 Action Plan and the acquisition of necessary competencies for the work of human rights defender.



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