Campaign “Justice for Ernest Manirunva” 8th edition

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On 9 April, as usual, burundian civil society organization organized a campaign to demand justice for the late human rights defender Ernest Manirunva, Vice-President of OLUCOME (Organization for the Fight against Corruption and economic embezzlement) brutally murdered on 9 April 2009 in Burundi.

In solidarity with its basic organization, in addition of theOLUCOME President’s statement (link of the statement), Defend defenders in collaboration with the CBDDH organized a gathering of Burundian HRDs and the staff of Defend defenders with a candle light in hand to symbolize the search for the truth about his savage assassination.
People who knew him during his lifetime testified about his person and his commitment to the establishment of good governance and the fight against corruption in Burundi. Video testimonials are also available (link).

On the same occasion, the president of the CBDDH also made a statement (declaration link).


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